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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blog 14: Reflection on Media Unit

As I moved in ENA099 and this media unit, I feel like I met some challenges especially with taking the practice CATS. There were several different learning experiences especially in this class, from watching the Truman Show to watching the Matrix at home then comparing them but using writing strategies to do so. I thought this was interesting teaching approach and I actually saw it as a challenge but at the same time, I like it.
     The practice CAT was the most challenging part of this course because I felt like that was my first true challenge and it felt as if I was taking the CAT for real because the professor made it feel that way. Even though I failed on my first attempt I think it was great learning experience. My professor provided great feedback on my CAT on what to do more and what to do less on the next one. I think my strengths are writing in bulk, I can write for days but if I don't use examples or draw from my personal experiences how can the readers understand my summary. On the second practice CAT, I used more examples and drew more from personal experiences and wrote them down in my summary. I hope I did well and I passed. If I didn't, I have to keep working hard and practicing.
     The blog on the Matrix I found to be a little difficult considering the text was quite long and maybe I was just a bit lazy in my approach. I love the movie but never thought about it in the way it was showed to us in class. The comparison and the techniques we learned in class from annotating and using claims, reasons, and evidence and applying them to these examples were quite challenging. Using these techniques made me look at these movies differently. Annotating is an important process for me and I must make sure I do annotate before I begin summarize. It is an efficient writing technique that I must apply to every text I summarize.
     In conclusion and reflecting back on my coursework and my blogs, I think blogging is a good teaching platform. A little different from when I was in college in 2003. I took this same course and it was so much different. We didn't use blogging nor did we do so many class activities involving groups. It was vaguer and not really enticing but it was a lot easier. If I recall correctly, I did pass my CAT back then but it doesn't count now. I look forward to class and learning more. I will look improve on my weaknesses and meet my goal which is pass the the real CAT when the time comes.
Till next time…

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Blog 13: Revision of CAT #1

     In " The Dangers of Reality TV", the author Timothy Sexton is saying that reality TV sends negative and wrong messages to its fans and it is degrading to the people that watch it. He quotes "Reality Television reinforces several unsound messages that are molding the minds of its young fans". The images that are portrayed thru these shows are unsubstantial and meaningless to actual life. The fact that a person can portray a certain image that can damage the minds of young people is dangerous.
     Sexton continues to state that reality television promotes the belief that competition is the key to success in a capitalist economy. For example, if i was offered a million bucks to live in house full of strangers and compete everyday to win, would I do it? Yes. I once was offered some money to engage in a basketball and if i won i could keep the winnings. During the competition I was in, i played my heart since i knew there was a prize waiting for me in the end. By simply adding a money prize it made me change my approach. I was intrigued to compete strongly and win which is similar to what these reality shows do. They place people in positions to entertain the viewing public especially when they offer large prizes for the winner.
     These reality shows also focus more on image then actual talent. The producers would rather select someone who looks good and can attract viewers rather someone who is intelligent and educated. A rather discriminatory gesture in regards to the selection process. This is in direct relation with Sexton's statement that image is more important then substance. In high school, if I didn't dress hip i would not be considered be cool and be in the so called "In Crowd". Being hip and having that image for in high school would make feel cool. People would want to hang out with me and even invite to parties and so on. Being hipper would mean more friends, more events to attend and a popularity boost.
    In conclusion, reality shows are misleading to the young viewers and can lead them to think differently. In reality these reality shows are not revelant to real life challenges or even real life itself. Being educated is something i would prefer over now over being the one with the cooler image.

Till next time.....

Blog 12: Summary and Response to "Red Pill or Blue Pill?"

In "Red or Blue: Is Ignorance Bliss?" by Christine Cornell and Patrick Malcolmson they are comparing two movies, The Matrix and Alice Adventures in Wonderland. The two movies contain similar concepts. Alice can shrink or grow if she eats the special cake and Neyo can decide between two pills. They are confused and trying to deternine what is real and what is not.
     In conclusion and to be honest, i did not really like this blog nor this text. I felt like connecting two very complex movies was not in my destiny as a blogger. I did try my best and gave a introduction so with being said i look forward to my next blog.

Til next time...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Blog 11: Responding to a significant topic in The Truman Show

     When I was High School I used to hang out with the wrong crowd but I was around friends with whom I grew up with. As we grew up we tried, experienced and did new things which consist of smoking, underage drinking and cutting school to hang out. They were not productive things, not positive learning experiences or things I would do today. In turn, I was disobeying the rules of society and my parents.  
     I was in a cave with people I confided in but at the same time I became fixated in the negative activities we participated in and did as a group. My friends had an negative influence on me and my vision was not clear, my mind was up in smoke, and I perceived things differently because of my eagerness to participate. To reiterate some of the things I did like smoke marijuana, drink alcohol and cut school lead me to believe that the things I was doing were cool because of the friends. I did not any better and any other way to have fun.
     For example, some kids would go to the museum on the weekend and I used to think that is so not cool. Another example would be, School Clubs, such as the music group or the chess team, me envisioning myself in these clubs was not part of my plan. Of course, I knew people that were involved in these clubs but I did hang out with them in the school, the lunchroom or even after school. I always thought to myself the feeling that maybe joining a club would be something i would want to do but it was not considered the "IT" thing to do especially with the "IN" crowd watching. I was peer pressured into thinking some things such as what i mentioned were not productive. In reality, the light that I was accustomed too was the same light that put me to sleep at night and the problem was that I could not change that bulb, meteorically speaking of course.  At the time, i did not think of the consequences my actions would create, nor did i gain anything from it because i was not thinking of it in that way.
     In conclusion, life is full of choices that we have to make. I made mines and I was fortunate enough to walk away from it all and recover positively. Now, I have a great job, i am back in school and I'm happy. They always say you live and you learn and that is exactly what I did.

Until Next Time....