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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Blog 13: Revision of CAT #1

     In " The Dangers of Reality TV", the author Timothy Sexton is saying that reality TV sends negative and wrong messages to its fans and it is degrading to the people that watch it. He quotes "Reality Television reinforces several unsound messages that are molding the minds of its young fans". The images that are portrayed thru these shows are unsubstantial and meaningless to actual life. The fact that a person can portray a certain image that can damage the minds of young people is dangerous.
     Sexton continues to state that reality television promotes the belief that competition is the key to success in a capitalist economy. For example, if i was offered a million bucks to live in house full of strangers and compete everyday to win, would I do it? Yes. I once was offered some money to engage in a basketball and if i won i could keep the winnings. During the competition I was in, i played my heart since i knew there was a prize waiting for me in the end. By simply adding a money prize it made me change my approach. I was intrigued to compete strongly and win which is similar to what these reality shows do. They place people in positions to entertain the viewing public especially when they offer large prizes for the winner.
     These reality shows also focus more on image then actual talent. The producers would rather select someone who looks good and can attract viewers rather someone who is intelligent and educated. A rather discriminatory gesture in regards to the selection process. This is in direct relation with Sexton's statement that image is more important then substance. In high school, if I didn't dress hip i would not be considered be cool and be in the so called "In Crowd". Being hip and having that image for in high school would make feel cool. People would want to hang out with me and even invite to parties and so on. Being hipper would mean more friends, more events to attend and a popularity boost.
    In conclusion, reality shows are misleading to the young viewers and can lead them to think differently. In reality these reality shows are not revelant to real life challenges or even real life itself. Being educated is something i would prefer over now over being the one with the cooler image.

Till next time.....

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