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Monday, May 23, 2011

Blog 24: Reflection on the Class

   By comparison and with regards to my best critical thinking in terms of our idea of reality, I want to name the following three blogs as most important. First, Blog 23: Expanding one idea in Sleep Dealer, second Blog 10: Reflection on Skills, and lastly Blog 5: The Allegory of the Cave. These blog entries were important to me because they connected to me personally. For example, in Sleep Dealer, the American Dream was something everybody wanted. To work, make money and live a happy comfortable life but at the same time you are a slave (hence unhappy) of the government in control. I relate to this because I work in corporate environment and I feel like I am living the so called “American Dream” but at the same I am still a slave of my environment hence my unhappiness. I personally connected to this blog. In regards to Blog 10, I thought this was critical in assessing me and being truthful about it. A reality check blog is always a positive. You combat your own voice of criticism. Lastly, Blog 5 was a great selection, there so many connections with reality in this one. For example, when I was out of school, I was in my cave knowing dam well I should have been in school this whole time.
      Writing online for me was a bit different from the usual whereas back then when I was in school I had to write everything down on paper and hand it in simply. Writing online especially with Blogs is a brilliant way to showcase your work to others and get feedback on it whether it is positive or negative. Writing online and having it showcased made me write significantly better and thoughtfully. Also, writing online to me felt like a shared experience because the work was visible to your blog friends and always viewable to those who had access. I read a lot of other students work and it helped me understand how other people approach writing. I used to my advantage and related to the saying that”Two brains are better than one”.  I felt like my work was read by a few students, not all, because I received so many comments from classmates. Not only but also I would have liked my work to be read by all to tell you truth. (Maybe reading and commenting on all blogs should be a requirement)
     Finally, I took a lot from this class in terms on how to approach writing effectively. I believe the professor’s teaching approach was critical to my improvement as a writer. Everytime out on a blog entry on a practice CAT, I did better and better. Equally important was the way the class material was presented and organized. I liked the fact we used certain topics such as reality and used movies such as Truman show to understand it. I thought this was amazing concept. Why not use visuals instead just simply text to create the idea and write about it. This kept me motivated and ENTERTAINED! (Big word J ) I am leaving this class with a CLEAR understanding on how to write effectively. One recommendation I would give is not to ever “GIVE UP” because in the end, you lose. Just keep going at it, work hard and it will fall into place.
Thank you Doctor X for a great ENA099 experience.

Till next time…

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blog 23: Expanding on one topic in Sleep Dealer

In the movie “Sleep Dealer” Rudy Ramirez is the Mexican-American drone pilot who lives in the American Dream. Memo who is a young kid living in Mexico dreams of participating in the American Dream by getting nodes and living in the big city but the killing of his father reveals that America and the American dream is a dystopia.
    Sleep Dealers represents the “American Dream” as a dream that is really a dystopia by offer such as jobs, money, advanced technologies, living in futuristic societies and getting away from the poor modern day lifestyle Memo and his family lived in the movie. In turn, what they really perceived to be the “American Dream” was a life and society which was repressive and controlled. As E explains, the “American Dream” and Sleep Dealer represent it by showing how Americans act on televisions like it is a reality show. To elaborate a little on this notion, I think he means these TV promotions shows these people working and making money via NODES and advanced technologies.
     Moving on, Memo also imagines by going and chasing the “American Dream” he can get away from his current lifestyle and living conditions. He also sees it as an opportunity for a better life and a way to make money for himself and his family. Memo’s brother however sees it an illogical decision to commit too. As J explains, he says Memo’s brother sees it as comical and just likes watching it on TV. Memo’s father does not like “NODES” at all. He is more focused on his priorities which are buying water from the closed dam facility and providing for his family. When Memo gets on board he finds it strange at first but soon becomes accustomed to it. He notices that a worker becomes ill and is taken to the back room one day. He becomes curious at this time because he wants to know what happened.
     In conclusion, the “American Dream” in Sleep Dealers was a dream that attracted many people but left behind many as well. It changed lives and created a whole another world for people to venture into.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Blog 22: Watching and Responding to The Story Of Stuff

     On this occasion, I strongly disagree with President Eisenhower’s council of Economic Advisors chairman statement that the primary purpose of “The American Economy” is to produce more consumer goods. I disagree because with this statement because it is irrational to the American people and should be not the primary focus.  It is also utterly illogical for me to agree with this statement because the survival of the world we live in does not require the increased production of more ipods, pet toys, and plastic bags for sell in our mass market. Do you get my drift?
 Subsequently, I think the primary purpose of the “American Economy” should be the survival of well being of its people. They should make sure everyone has health benefits, a job, and housing. Following this, they should focus on eliminating poverty and no one should be dying of medical problems, starvation, homelessness, etc. The reason why i think this should be the primary focus is because it is the "American People" that drive and build up the economy. Without the people, what economy do we have? The American people are the ones who pump cash into the economy to sustain it but we should pump cash for items are necessities not luxuries. 
   Summing up, the chairman of the Economic Council has it all wrong in my opinion and maybe thats why we live in a world that does not care about the real issues like"POVERTY" and "JOBS".  
Till next time...

Till next time....

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Begin Blog 21: Summarizing and Responding to “The New Industrial Migrants I and II

The New Industrial Migrants (Part1)

     This text discusses how immigrants migrating from countries such as Mexico, Central America and Southeast Asia came to the states, specifically Colorado in this reading for work in the meatpacking industry. Once hired, these workers would quit or were fired within 3 months due to horrid working/pay conditions. However, these jobs were the key source to getting a paycheck. For these people, a steady paycheck meant the ability to buy food, housing and a most importantly, prosperity.

   Moving forward, most of the hired workers were paid minimum wage and had to live in run down trailer park homes. Some had to share their living quarters with others and so on. These jobs also offered some benefits such as health insurance after six months and vacation after a year but since the turnover rate at these factories was so high most of the workers never made that far.

    In conclusion, the meatpacking industry is a bully who picks who immigrants desperately looking for work. Why pay more, when you can pay less!

The New Industrial Migrants (Part 2)

   This text discusses how big corporations were now recruiting migrant workers. They targeted migrant workers because they could offer them lower pay then American citizens. They preyed on the desperate needs on an immigrant. During this recruitment, these corporations dispatch teams to low income communities looking for migrant workers. Instead of the individual going out and looking for the job the corporations were becoming aggressive. They would run ads on radio and post enticing advertisements to garner attention.

     IBP was one of the corporations engaging is such acts until INS began investigating there hiring practices. IBP promised migrants workers housing they never received and instead they dropped off a local homeless shelter. IBP was deceiving these workers.

In conclusion, the cost of paying a migrant worker is less then paying an American citizen in IBP’s case. The reality here is that when it comes to maximizing profit and decreasing expenses, the saying, “By any means necessary” comes into play.

Till next time…

Blog 20: Reflection on Food Unit

    The contents of the Food unit connected to several of our readings in class because simply it displayed harsh realisms of the world we live in. For example, “The Allegory of the Cave” was about a man named Socrates who saw things in different perspectives. He expressed these thoughts and philosophies to the people in a sincere and truthful fashion. As he did this, people took notice and started to believe in his ways of thinking thus making him a threat to the society that was considered the norm and controlled by higher chains of command. The relation of this text to the food unit is simply the threat of exposure and what can happen when executed. Equally important, they showed us what was really going on behind closed doors in these meat factories, injured employees, contaminated meats, fast food chains, etc thus the relation of The Truman showed us a young man named “Truman” who thought he was living in a real world with a real wife, real job and real tendencies when in fact it was all fabricated to support TV. The relation with the food unit is here the harsh realism of generating the most profit by any means possible. The “Matrix” relation is simply the choice between two pills and the determining of what is real and what is not, another harsh realism especially when making a choice is involved. Morpheus gave Neyo an option solely for him to stop the war between the machines and the humans. I also think Morpheus was being greedy this case by putting that pressure on Neyo. The food unit displayed many instances when companies would ship out contaminated foods and dose them with heavy chemicals and addictive ingredients just to gain the advantage and maximize profit. I call it “GREED” and the incentive to generate advantage by all and any means necessary. All the reading contained ideas of gaining advantage. Being on higher ground normally wins the fight!

     The makers of the “Meatrix” were brilliant. I found the reason they used it as a basis was to connect to all the fans of the real movie series, “Matrix”.

In Michael’s Pollan’s Book, “In the Defense of Food”, it tells us that the food industry is lying to its consumers. It indicates that food industries are targeting consumers with products that are unhealthy.

     In recollection of my progress in ENA099, I think I have steady and positive progress in making a connection to my reader. The 1st practice CAT I did not connect to my reader at all. I was confused as to what process to use. My blog entries also have received great feedback from readers. For example, my earlier blogs, readers commented on my basis of the information I submitted. My current blogs, readers commented on my organization of ideas, my examples, and how I connected to them. I thought that was great and a step in the right direction. Honestly, I thought I failed my 3rd practice CAT when in fact I passed. My professor pointed out and gave one of the greatest tips I could ever use and that was to mentally treat the reading as a conversation and respond. I will use this strategy going forward. Also, I would like to mention the vocabulary on page 6 and 7 of our class packet. I would advise everyone to please use it to their advantage. My only worry is executing on game day (official CAT exam day)!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Blog 18: Where the Whale Be at

I do not wish to comment on this sensitive topic. I have seen what happens when race is discussed and it can get out of control. I hope you understand my concern.

Till next time....

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blog 17: The End of Overeating"

     In “The End of Overeating, David A. Kessler explains that much of the processed foods out there are being re crafted to create addiction. I agree with this notion because I believe it is an unethical practice and unhealthy.
     I am completely opposed to the idea of “eatertainment” because it is unethical and unhealthy. These companies are adding addictive ingredients to their foods such as fat, sugar, and salt. These added elements can cause customers to become addicted to their foods. I experienced many times the craving of getting McDonalds. My favorite is the Quarter Pounder burger. Once I had a taste I felt like ordering another one. It was addicting and the taste was beyond satisfactory. Kessler also says these companies are seeking to create “a lot of fun in your mouth” which is relation with what the quarter pounder felt like when I consumed it. 
     Moving on, these companies also introduce new products on a regular basis. They do so to induce the consumer to buy their foods. For example, when McDonalds introduced the Double Quarter Pounder to compliment the Quarter Pounder, I went into a crazed frenzy and I had to go get one as soon as possible. Imagine the millions of other people who also wanted to try it out. Not there is nothing wrong with the quarter pounder but these companies do this to keep the consumer excited about their foods.
     In conclusion, these companies are giving people unhealthy high caloric foods for profit. It is sort of a drug user always feeling the need to get more. This is exactly what these companies are doing, giving the consumer what they crave. 

Till next time.....       

Blog 16: Revision of CAT 2

     In “Imitation of Film: Here’s Smoking at You Kid, author Nicholas Balakar points out why R-rated movies which contain images of actors smoking have a direct influence on why children, ages 10-14 pick up smoking. I agree with Balakar’s notion because as a young child myself I picked smoking at about the age of 12 because of what I saw in movies such as “Cheech and Chong” and “New Jack City” to name a few. “Cheech and Chong” was funny movie but it was based completely on smoking. “New Jack City” was about a drug dealer who portrayed gangster image and he smoked cigarettes throughout the movie. It was an image I would have killed for. All in all these two movies contained scenes where these popular actors were smoking hence give me the impression that smoking was the cool and the thing to do.
     To illustrate, Balakar states researchers say thirty eight percent of children who start smoking do so because of the influence these movies have on them. I think movies do have a lot to do with young children’s actions.  For example, I watched a movie called “Carlito’s Way”.  After viewing this movie I wanted to portray Carlito’s reputation in real life. His reputation was that of high standards. He was feared, well respected, and admired by his peers. The fact that Carlito had such an influence on me relates to Balakar’s point on why children pick up smoking because of movies.
     Moving on, Dr. James D. Sargent says, “R-Rated contain twice as much smoking” as other films. From my experience as young child I find this to be true. I remember watching R-rated movies as a young child and they were plenty of negative images I think I was not supposed to be seeing. Some of the movies I saw were Clint Eastwood, Pink Cadillac“, and “Unforgiven”. The scenes showed actors with guns, actors using drugs, and actors smoking. I thought the actors were cool and somewhat iconic. It made me believe that these images were ok and that maybe I should smoke or use a gun. My parents should have played a better role in restricting my selection of movies to watch. Maybe the influence from these movies and images of actors smoking could have been prevented my intentions to portray them by smoking.
     In conclusion, the images portrayed in movies can directly influence you to act based on what you see. It is evident that movies play a large role in what young children do in their everyday lives.

Till Next time......  

Blog 15: Part 2, Food Safety

     In the Foods industry, I think food safety has become a relatively important topic. The significance of food safety and its relation to the consumers is an area which I think factory farming and its corporations mishandle greatly. I agree with the notion that food safety is not taken seriously enough. In spite of all the food we cook and eat on a daily basis without getting sick a lot of people do get very ill from food related diseases.  According to food safety article I read it online it says about 76 million Americans suffer from food poisoning each year.    
      For instance, contamination in cow meat created the mad cow disease which has no cure. This disease affected over 200,000 cattle globally and several within the United States. Is that scary or what? Imagine being infected with the mad cow disease knowing no cure is available. I think the food we buy with our own money and that goes thru a screening process should be 100% percent uncontaminated.  Wouldn’t you agree? 
     Moving on, today’s corporations don’t maintain sanitary conditions in their factory farms. In relation and elaborating on the web article I read, it says with the significant increase in the speed of processing, workers are hard pressed to maintain the highest level of sanitation then continues to say, while the rate at which animals are butchered goes up, so does the rate of contamination. This shows you how these corporations value quantity over quality then they sell these products on store shelves for people like me and you to buy. Contamination in the food industry is not only limited to meat but also happens with all types of products such as toothpaste, pet food, fruits and vegetables. It has been documented that the largest outbreak of Hepatitis A was traced back to green onions in Chi-Chi’s Salsa. About 600 people in Pittsburgh were infected.
     In conclusion, who is to say what is safe to eat? Is the answer the government, the FDA or the individuals who purchase these foods? Are you willing to take a chance to get the answer? Is that chance worth you being infected with a disease.

Till next next.....

Monday, May 2, 2011

Blog 15, Part I: Summarizing the Stories (MEATRIX)

The “Meatrix” illustrates a few key points on how factory farming began. Most family farms where being taken over by agriculture corporations and these corporations where taking over at a fast rate rapidly decreasing the existence of family farms.  By doing this, the corporate machine created a slew of problems and issues such as animal cruelty, injecting antibiotics into the animals to neutralize spread of diseases between while they were caged up in bunches, massive pollution, and destroyed communities.

The “Meatrix Revolting” points out how the success of exposing factory farming has worked to some extent but still hasn’t completely shown all aspects of the business we call factory farming. The exposure of factory farming has encouraged the process of producing hundreds of sustainable and organic animal products but the problems still remains. Factory farming is still growing and getting stronger. The clip continues to show animals are kept in unhealthy environments thus causing the over usage of antibiotics. Baby cows are being injected with antibiotic hormones to increase milk productivity thus leaving the possible spread of mad cow disease to consumers and animals. As progress has been made, factory farming is still winning.  

The “Meatrix 2 ½” shows you how factory farms are being structured and operated. It clearly shows how employees are working in unsanitary conditions, employees getting injured from cutting the meat, and manure is being put right onto the meat on the product line. Meatpacking is one of the most dangerous jobs in America because of its working environments and if workers are in fact getting injured these corporations can be easily replace them. With that being said, all of this is done to increase product output and to maximize on profit.