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Monday, May 23, 2011

Blog 24: Reflection on the Class

   By comparison and with regards to my best critical thinking in terms of our idea of reality, I want to name the following three blogs as most important. First, Blog 23: Expanding one idea in Sleep Dealer, second Blog 10: Reflection on Skills, and lastly Blog 5: The Allegory of the Cave. These blog entries were important to me because they connected to me personally. For example, in Sleep Dealer, the American Dream was something everybody wanted. To work, make money and live a happy comfortable life but at the same time you are a slave (hence unhappy) of the government in control. I relate to this because I work in corporate environment and I feel like I am living the so called “American Dream” but at the same I am still a slave of my environment hence my unhappiness. I personally connected to this blog. In regards to Blog 10, I thought this was critical in assessing me and being truthful about it. A reality check blog is always a positive. You combat your own voice of criticism. Lastly, Blog 5 was a great selection, there so many connections with reality in this one. For example, when I was out of school, I was in my cave knowing dam well I should have been in school this whole time.
      Writing online for me was a bit different from the usual whereas back then when I was in school I had to write everything down on paper and hand it in simply. Writing online especially with Blogs is a brilliant way to showcase your work to others and get feedback on it whether it is positive or negative. Writing online and having it showcased made me write significantly better and thoughtfully. Also, writing online to me felt like a shared experience because the work was visible to your blog friends and always viewable to those who had access. I read a lot of other students work and it helped me understand how other people approach writing. I used to my advantage and related to the saying that”Two brains are better than one”.  I felt like my work was read by a few students, not all, because I received so many comments from classmates. Not only but also I would have liked my work to be read by all to tell you truth. (Maybe reading and commenting on all blogs should be a requirement)
     Finally, I took a lot from this class in terms on how to approach writing effectively. I believe the professor’s teaching approach was critical to my improvement as a writer. Everytime out on a blog entry on a practice CAT, I did better and better. Equally important was the way the class material was presented and organized. I liked the fact we used certain topics such as reality and used movies such as Truman show to understand it. I thought this was amazing concept. Why not use visuals instead just simply text to create the idea and write about it. This kept me motivated and ENTERTAINED! (Big word J ) I am leaving this class with a CLEAR understanding on how to write effectively. One recommendation I would give is not to ever “GIVE UP” because in the end, you lose. Just keep going at it, work hard and it will fall into place.
Thank you Doctor X for a great ENA099 experience.

Till next time…


  1. Awesome BLOG!! So much detail - very refreshed with it! I <3 it!

    Till next time . . .


  2. I really, really liked the blog posts you chose as your three best--makes sense.

    Also, I am glad you feel like you are a stronger writer after taking the class. I agree with you that it shows in the thoughtfulness of your blog posts.
