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Monday, May 16, 2011

Blog 22: Watching and Responding to The Story Of Stuff

     On this occasion, I strongly disagree with President Eisenhower’s council of Economic Advisors chairman statement that the primary purpose of “The American Economy” is to produce more consumer goods. I disagree because with this statement because it is irrational to the American people and should be not the primary focus.  It is also utterly illogical for me to agree with this statement because the survival of the world we live in does not require the increased production of more ipods, pet toys, and plastic bags for sell in our mass market. Do you get my drift?
 Subsequently, I think the primary purpose of the “American Economy” should be the survival of well being of its people. They should make sure everyone has health benefits, a job, and housing. Following this, they should focus on eliminating poverty and no one should be dying of medical problems, starvation, homelessness, etc. The reason why i think this should be the primary focus is because it is the "American People" that drive and build up the economy. Without the people, what economy do we have? The American people are the ones who pump cash into the economy to sustain it but we should pump cash for items are necessities not luxuries. 
   Summing up, the chairman of the Economic Council has it all wrong in my opinion and maybe thats why we live in a world that does not care about the real issues like"POVERTY" and "JOBS".  
Till next time...

Till next time....

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