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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blog 20: Reflection on Food Unit

    The contents of the Food unit connected to several of our readings in class because simply it displayed harsh realisms of the world we live in. For example, “The Allegory of the Cave” was about a man named Socrates who saw things in different perspectives. He expressed these thoughts and philosophies to the people in a sincere and truthful fashion. As he did this, people took notice and started to believe in his ways of thinking thus making him a threat to the society that was considered the norm and controlled by higher chains of command. The relation of this text to the food unit is simply the threat of exposure and what can happen when executed. Equally important, they showed us what was really going on behind closed doors in these meat factories, injured employees, contaminated meats, fast food chains, etc thus the relation of The Truman showed us a young man named “Truman” who thought he was living in a real world with a real wife, real job and real tendencies when in fact it was all fabricated to support TV. The relation with the food unit is here the harsh realism of generating the most profit by any means possible. The “Matrix” relation is simply the choice between two pills and the determining of what is real and what is not, another harsh realism especially when making a choice is involved. Morpheus gave Neyo an option solely for him to stop the war between the machines and the humans. I also think Morpheus was being greedy this case by putting that pressure on Neyo. The food unit displayed many instances when companies would ship out contaminated foods and dose them with heavy chemicals and addictive ingredients just to gain the advantage and maximize profit. I call it “GREED” and the incentive to generate advantage by all and any means necessary. All the reading contained ideas of gaining advantage. Being on higher ground normally wins the fight!

     The makers of the “Meatrix” were brilliant. I found the reason they used it as a basis was to connect to all the fans of the real movie series, “Matrix”.

In Michael’s Pollan’s Book, “In the Defense of Food”, it tells us that the food industry is lying to its consumers. It indicates that food industries are targeting consumers with products that are unhealthy.

     In recollection of my progress in ENA099, I think I have steady and positive progress in making a connection to my reader. The 1st practice CAT I did not connect to my reader at all. I was confused as to what process to use. My blog entries also have received great feedback from readers. For example, my earlier blogs, readers commented on my basis of the information I submitted. My current blogs, readers commented on my organization of ideas, my examples, and how I connected to them. I thought that was great and a step in the right direction. Honestly, I thought I failed my 3rd practice CAT when in fact I passed. My professor pointed out and gave one of the greatest tips I could ever use and that was to mentally treat the reading as a conversation and respond. I will use this strategy going forward. Also, I would like to mention the vocabulary on page 6 and 7 of our class packet. I would advise everyone to please use it to their advantage. My only worry is executing on game day (official CAT exam day)!

1 comment:

  1. Very thorough connection to the other texts in the class. You didn't have to cover them all, but I am glad you did. :-)

    One correction: Use "reality" instead of "realism."
