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Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog 10: Reflection of Skills

In ENA099, I learned how to use four key writing strategies. First, I learned how to annotate a text. Annotating is underlining important ideas in the text as well as important key phrases and words. Second was summarizing which is finding the main ideas of the text and briefly repeat them using you own words. Third, I learned thesis based writing which is a written statement that is proven true. Lastly, paragraphing is a series of sentences which develop an idea.

I have learned how to better structure my writing through the four strategies I mentioned above. I learned how to critically look at a text and break it down efficiently. From using the annotating technique to paragraphing I think my writing is slightly better then it was three weeks. Do I think I still need to improve? Yes. I have only been in class for two weeks and I have still have lots to learn. By listening and working on several class exercises provided by my professor, I think it is evident I have improved my writing. In spite of me never caring about writing blogs, I can now say I have 10 and they all use these strategies to some extent. From all the material we covered in class, I am most confused by the essay format. I would assume, you need an intro, two main paragraphs, and a conclusion but the sense I got from class so far is that I may be wrong so I need some clarification as we move along. Also, I am a bit turned off by my thesis based writing. I think with time and practice I can improve, but as of now, I understand but not completely. Do I feel more confident writing now then I did before this class? I honestly think so, but I honestly don’t think so. Did that make any sense? I feel like more time is essential and will allow me to create a better self evaluation of my writing skills.

In the end, this class has just begun and we have lots of more things to learn. I love the fact that we have group activity. It makes all us more comfortable in class. I just hope I can pass the CAT when the time comes.

Until next time….     

Blog 9: Reflecting on Paragraphing

In class, I learned that successful paragraph writing is the key to a great essay. With that being said, a paragraph must do the following; contain a topic sentence, development of the topic sentence,  paragraph has to be unified and most importantly, coherent. In class today, l learned how to use four components to write a informative paragraph. To illustrate what I have learned in class today, we were put into our groups and my group, TEAM JAC,  used a text by Nicholas Carr named "Is Google Making us Stupid" as an paragraphing excerise. Simply, i was astonished how easy it was to write a great paragraph by following the proper techniques. In order to better myself at writing a passing CAT essay i still need to practice with paragraphing. To conclude, successful paragraph writing is key part in the writing process and i have learned a lot from today's class. I plan to continue practicing, and you know what they say, "Practice makes Perfect".

Until Next time.......

BLOG 8: Response to "I Know the Truth, so Don't Bother Me with Facts"

In “I know the truth, So don’t bother Me with Facts”, Jeffery Kluger explains that our interpretation of facts can easily be manipulated by rumors and lies. Conversely, when facts are presented to someone about a certain topic they sometimes get misconstrued by human emotion.  

In a new study conducted by R. Kelly Garrett and Erik Nisbet, both of whom are assistant professors of communication at Ohio State University recruited 750 people who admitted to being familiar with the Islamic cultural center and believing at least one rumor about it were exposed purposely to the actual facts of the case. By doing this, Garret and Nisbet set out to determine whether or not these facts would actually change their opinion and if so, could were their opinions changed because of the way the facts were presented. With that being said, people tend to think rapidly and express their opinions without knowing the actual facts. This example proves how common Kluger’s perception and thinking is among us. As a result of the study, both Garret and Nisbet were shocked to see how easy it was change people’s primary beliefs even with the facts being presented directly to them. They state less than a third of people were not willing to reverse their opinions regardless of what was proven or evident.   

          Professor Garrett also sites a body of studies that states even with facts, subjects often tend to stick to their opinions and beliefs just because of human emotion or ego. Other investigators are looking into whether or not the reason for this way of thinking has something to do with brain functionality. The prefrontal cortex is the purpose why our brain asks why and the amygdala is the part of makes us fear things. These two parts of the brain can make us make non educated statements thus investigators are still researching and looking into why people override facts with their own raw opinions.

         In the end, Kluger testimony states “No matter what the scans and other studies reveal, of course, its up to us to find a place in a world of facts and make our decisions based on that information-at least if we hope to get anything accomplished”. Summing up, we all think indifferently about certain subjects but do we think and process these topics with facts or do we just interpret it thru emotion.  

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog 7: Reflecting on Thesis-based Writing

    Today in class I learned to create a thesis and what is included in a thesis. The thesis contains a specific topic, a claim, and a list of reasons that can support the rest of your essay. I am still learning and would like to keep practicing by using other types of text. I know I learned about thesis based writing when I created my own thesis in class and shared it with my group. I also learned how to write a thesis thru class exercises. They proved worthy because I can now understand what thesis based writing is. I would like to keep practicing thesis based writing by using different types of text. Learning this skill was difficult because i did know how to write a thesis to begin with. I had go to thru the learning curve and class exercises to learn and improve my thesis based writing. After class I felt great knowing that I learned something new and important. Thesis based writing is critcal as you move forward in college. It prepares you for much harder english courses. Most importantly, I also feel that this skill can improve my writing going forward.

Until Next Time.....  

Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog 6: Things I do Not Believe in Any More

1. Santa Claus - I really thought a guy in a white beard would come down the chimmy with my presents. I got older and realized Toys R' Us Santa Claus.

2. Chupa Ca bra - an mythological creature located in Mexico, Puerto Rico, etc. Known to eat people and dogs. I have seen stories and shows on this creature to which none have been proven.

3. Vampires - i believed this because people actually got their teeth surgically redone to resemble vampire fangs. All the movies that came out on this topic. I don't believe now because nothing has been evident and proven.

4. Aliens  - Area 51, a deserted area in Las Vegas specifically designated for alien imprisonment and investigation. Again, no proof.

5. Tooth Fairy - I did believe in this until i grew up. It was my mother who put the $2 dollars under my pillow. Must have been a cheap tooth.

6. Candyman - a boogie man. If you said his name 3 times, he would appear and kill you. I believed this myth when i was younger. Now that i am more expeienced and in tune with whats reality and whats not i no longer believe this.

Blog 5: The Symbolic meaning of Socrates’ story

   In Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave,” Socrates tells a story to his student Glaucon to explain how humans can be trapped and isolated by their surroundings thus preventing them from expanding and exploring other factions of life. Socrates starts the telling Glucon let me show you in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened. He is describing the difference between the two and also questioning whether humans really freed from ignorance or not.

   The text continues by Socrates questioning Glaucon. He asks, "Do you see men passing along the wall carrying all sorts of vessels, and statues, and figures of animals made of wood and stone and various materials, which appear over the wall? Some of them are talking, others silent". He is referring to these men as one minded individuals who can only see from my point of view. In turn, it portrays them being in a cave and being held captive to their own bodies.Glaucon responds and tells Socrates that he has shown him a strange image with strange prisoners. Socrates continues to express the notion, like ourselves, they can only see what is in front of them, their shadows. Again, this notion or point illustrates the allegory of this text. To further explain in short, one can not see what is not there.

    Socrates continues the story by telling Glaucon what will happen if a one prisoner is released and is disabused of their error and released from their cave. The released prisoner will be anxious to explore, stand up and look towards these new images. Even when exposed to new things, humans will suffer relating to these new things. Socrates refers to this as a new "light". The released prisoner will react to this new light indifferently and suffer pain in his eyes which can make him turn away but once out, the prisoner can grow accustomed to his surroundings. It shows how difficult it can be to adjust being out of the cave. He continues and states, "Last of all, he will able to see the sun, and not mere reflections of it in the water, but he will see him in his own proper place, and not in another; and he will contemplate him as it is. The symbolism here is that from seeing this new light, one will be able to distinguish these new things and create their own perspectives on them.

      In conclusion, Socrates questions Gluacon on the argument being imprisoned and being free.A human in a cave can be exposed only to what surrounds them which can be repetitive and a human who is free and is exposed to new things. The knowledge outside of the cave can only be retrieved thru effort and when seen, it can change a persons point of view drastically.   

Until next time..

Blog 4 "Revision of Hype"

In "Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Cultural, Kalle Lasn states that advertisements are most prevalent and toxic of the mental pollutants. Lasn also states an estimated 12 billion display ads, some 3 million radio ads, and more than 200,000 TV commercials are dumped into our unconscious. Advertising is a form of communicating to an individual whether you see it on television, hear it on the radio, or see it on billboards on the way to work. Its sole purpose is to persuade you to take action. Being consistently exposed to it can increase your interest. The world as we know it today is polluted with advertised propaganda and its ferocious effort to convince. 

    The significance of advertising is a reference to sales and simply, brand recognition. Without it, many consumers would not know of certain products or what certain companies are offering. Advertising is a short, quick and effective method of getting product information to the consumer. Lasn mentions that no matter where you are, they are always signs of advertising anywhere we go, usually displays branded and filled with a logo or product message.

       I call advertisements, "Want Ads" and I see them every day. I see them on the way to work. For example, when I take the train, there are hundreds of posters containing information about upcoming movies. An example used by Lasn in the text relates to the people getting gas and how there are advisements on the nozzle. Our society and millions of people today depends hugely on cars and gas thus making this one of the most popular ways of advertising. The Metropolitan transportation system, another prime example I would like to use because it also used by millions of people. These prime examples allow advertisements to access the public in great numbers. Another example used by Lasn, are small interactive screens on supermarket carts. Everywhere you go there is a high chance that you are polluting your mind with advisements.

    In the end, advertisements are toxic and they are pollutants. They are toxic to everyday life and there are no signs of decrease in its exposure. There is simply nowhere to run. Advertisements have become a way of life and I know if I see an interesting billboard, pop up, or poster I will look at it just like millions of other people will.

Until next time.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog 3 Summarizing and Why

In my last class, i learned how to summarize text. I know summarizing is how we take larger selections of text and reduce them to their bare main points and key ideas by summarizing, i can now capture the main idea of the text in a brief description.I can manage and capture the key points of a text by summarizing. I also learned how to critique a summary by working in a group and reviewing other students work. I learned to use my own words, focus on main ideas, condense and mention the author's name when i summarize a text. My professor made learning summarizing easier for us by allowing us to work in groups. They say two heads is always better one. Working in groups allowed me to express myself. I also learned some summarizing tips from other students. After today's class, i learned key summarizing techniques i can use going forward and most important for my class. 

Until next time..

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blog 2

By annotating today, I learned we can relate, breakdown, and understand text more clearly by using this strategy. By using these notes which can consist of facts, relation factors, quotes, and definitions we can strenghten our perception and understand the text more efficiently.

My first annotation experience with my partner taught me want to look for in a text when annotating. It taught how to relate to the text by using my everyday experiences. Pulling certain facts, looking for key phrases, etc.

I learned to explain my key points more efficently. I also learned how to pinpoint key facts in the text.

Until next time...

"Want Ads"

     Advertising is a form of communicating to an indivdual whether you see it on television, hear it on the radio, or see it on billboards on the way to work. It's sole purpose is to persuade you to take action. Being consisently exposed to it can increase your interest. The world as we know it today is polluted with advertised proganda and it's fericous effort to convince.

      The significance of advertising is a reference to sales and simply, brand recognition.Without it, many consumers would not know of certain products or what certain companies are offering. Advertising is a short, quick and effective method of getting product information to the consumer.

       I call advertisments, "Want Ads" and i see them everyday. I see them on the way to work. For example, when i take the train, there are hundreds of posters containing information about upcoming movies. I'm consider this one of the most popular ways of advertising considering our public transportation system is used by millions of people. Another example and the most annoying i think, are computer pop up ads.Dont you hate when you are in middle of something important on your computer and you consisently disrupted by a pop up ad. Again, polluting the mind enough will eventually lead you to subject to it and the advertiser wins.

    In conclusion, advertisments are a part of everyday life and they are no signs of decrease in its exposure. I know if i see a interesting billboard, pop up, or poster i will looking at it just like millions of other people will so if you see a "want ad" answer it if you want too.

Until next time..