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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Want Ads"

     Advertising is a form of communicating to an indivdual whether you see it on television, hear it on the radio, or see it on billboards on the way to work. It's sole purpose is to persuade you to take action. Being consisently exposed to it can increase your interest. The world as we know it today is polluted with advertised proganda and it's fericous effort to convince.

      The significance of advertising is a reference to sales and simply, brand recognition.Without it, many consumers would not know of certain products or what certain companies are offering. Advertising is a short, quick and effective method of getting product information to the consumer.

       I call advertisments, "Want Ads" and i see them everyday. I see them on the way to work. For example, when i take the train, there are hundreds of posters containing information about upcoming movies. I'm consider this one of the most popular ways of advertising considering our public transportation system is used by millions of people. Another example and the most annoying i think, are computer pop up ads.Dont you hate when you are in middle of something important on your computer and you consisently disrupted by a pop up ad. Again, polluting the mind enough will eventually lead you to subject to it and the advertiser wins.

    In conclusion, advertisments are a part of everyday life and they are no signs of decrease in its exposure. I know if i see a interesting billboard, pop up, or poster i will looking at it just like millions of other people will so if you see a "want ad" answer it if you want too.

Until next time..   


  1. Jorge-- I like that you immediately recognized the point of the piece: that contemporary advertising is "pollution." I also like your own examples of the prevalence of ads in everyday life. And nice organization of ideas!

    One thing that is missing here is some kind of introductory phrase so that it is clear which ideas are a summary of Lasn, and which ideas are yours. Check the bottom of page 2 of the class packet for one such phrase.

    Also, you may want to rephrase your piece so that it reflects Lasn's angle on advertising as "pollution" and "toxic," especially since these are such negative words.

  2. P.S. To put the blogs back in order, go to Blog 2, open it by clicking the little pencil, click on "Post Options" at the bottom of the window, and under "Post date and time" select "Automatic." Publish the post and voila!
