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Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog 10: Reflection of Skills

In ENA099, I learned how to use four key writing strategies. First, I learned how to annotate a text. Annotating is underlining important ideas in the text as well as important key phrases and words. Second was summarizing which is finding the main ideas of the text and briefly repeat them using you own words. Third, I learned thesis based writing which is a written statement that is proven true. Lastly, paragraphing is a series of sentences which develop an idea.

I have learned how to better structure my writing through the four strategies I mentioned above. I learned how to critically look at a text and break it down efficiently. From using the annotating technique to paragraphing I think my writing is slightly better then it was three weeks. Do I think I still need to improve? Yes. I have only been in class for two weeks and I have still have lots to learn. By listening and working on several class exercises provided by my professor, I think it is evident I have improved my writing. In spite of me never caring about writing blogs, I can now say I have 10 and they all use these strategies to some extent. From all the material we covered in class, I am most confused by the essay format. I would assume, you need an intro, two main paragraphs, and a conclusion but the sense I got from class so far is that I may be wrong so I need some clarification as we move along. Also, I am a bit turned off by my thesis based writing. I think with time and practice I can improve, but as of now, I understand but not completely. Do I feel more confident writing now then I did before this class? I honestly think so, but I honestly don’t think so. Did that make any sense? I feel like more time is essential and will allow me to create a better self evaluation of my writing skills.

In the end, this class has just begun and we have lots of more things to learn. I love the fact that we have group activity. It makes all us more comfortable in class. I just hope I can pass the CAT when the time comes.

Until next time….